You don’t have to go all the way to France to indulge in your fascination for Bordeaux wines. Find Bordeaux MatchMaking events near you and meet people who share your passion and who want to learn about Bordeaux. Keith and I attended this event held at the U.S. French Embassy where our palate was matched to an array of fine, yet affordable Bordeaux wines in a social environment.
How does it work? First, answer a questionnaire online and register for the event in your city. Your answers will help the matchmakers to better understand what type of wine drinker you are and allow them to match you with a specific tasting table featuring wines that fit your palate. About a week later, we were confirmed to attend and on site we found out that Keith and I were labeled as "Apprentice". Other labels were "Novice" or "Geek", so we were right in the middle and felt at ease as the friendly wine experts lead the tastings all night and made the experience both fun and educational.

We learned a lot about the Bordeaux region and was especially surprised to learn of all the exquisite mineral white wines and rosés available. If you are looking at making new friends, build your professional network or meet that someone special, all over delicious Bordeaux wines, stay tuned for future Bordeaux MatchMaking events in your city!